frp truss pedestrian bridge - safe routes to school

Steere Engineering was responsible for the design of a fiberglass reinforced polymer (FRP) truss pedestrian bridge along a shared-use path which connects Narragansett Pier Middle School to Central Street in Narragansett, Rhode Island.

Steere designed a bridge for infrastructure improvements to the pedestrian access surrounding Narragansett Pier Middle School as part of the Rhode Island Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Program. Steere worked for RIDOT on behalf of the Town of Narragansett to provide a safer way for students to walk and bicycle to school.

Since the bridge is located in a secluded area, construction access was limited due to the existing grove of trees to remain at both approaches and substantial slope from the adjacent sports fields. Therefore, Steere recommended a fiberglass reinforced polymer (FRP) deck and superstructure with a conventional concrete substructure. The light-weight composite material allowed for ease of delivery to the site and required minimal erection equipment. Additionally, the structure will require little maintenance since it is not susceptible to corrosion and will have a lower overall life-cycle cost than conventional materials. SAP2000 was used to model and analyze the FPR truss superstructure.

Steere developed plans and specifications for the proposed bridge structure type described. Other services performed by Steere included the preparation of an Engineer’s Construction Cost Estimate, development of Design and Construction Schedules for the bridge portion of the project, shop drawing review and field support during construction.

Location: Narragansett, RI

Owner: Rhode Island Department of Transportation (RIDOT)

Timeline: Design Completed in 2018; Construction Completion 2021